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snippet: This data is used for the planning and management of Washington, D.C. by local government agencies.
summary: This data is used for the planning and management of Washington, D.C. by local government agencies.
accessInformation: DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer
maxScale: 8368.3755438862
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Digital Elevation Model - 3m resolution. The dataset contains the 3m pixel digital elevation model for the Washington Area. LIDAR data provided by the Joint Precision Strike Demonstration Project Office of the US Army contained bare earth rasters used to create the 3m basemap. The buildings and tree canopies have been removed, but the bridges and other less noticeable features that affect bare earth elevations remain. All DC GIS data is stored and exported in Maryland State Plane coordinates NAD 83 meters. METADATA CONTENT IS IN PROCESS OF VALIDATION AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
licenseInfo: Acknowledgment of the DC Geographic Information Systems Program (DC GIS). The District of Columbia Government makes no claims as to the completeness, accuracy or content of any data contained hereon, and makes no representation of any kind, including, but not limited to, the warranty of the accuracy or fitness for a particular use, nor are any such warranties to be implied or inferred with respect to the information or data furnished herein.
title: Bare_Earth_2004
type: Image Service
url: https://gisimgprd1n.dcgov.priv:6443/arcgis/admin
tags: ["LIDAR","Topography","Elevation","Bare Earth","imageryBaseMapsEarthCover","Washington","D.C.","District of Columbia","DC","DC GIS","DCGIS"]
culture: en-US
name: Bare_Earth_2004
minScale: 535576.034808717
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Maryland_FIPS_1900